
UPDATE: remboursement of electronic purse refill on erroneous canteen a.y. 2023/24 also in points managed by Serenissima

Who has reloaded by mistake their electronic purse for the payment of meals in the canteen of Udine instead of the one of interest can get a refund by writing an email to cdcp74@vivendaspa.it, indicating in the text their name, the amount to be reimbursed, the wrong recharge date and the IBAN on which to credit the amount. 

With the same modality who has carried out a wrong recharge on the central canteen of Trieste can send an email to licia.pocecco@compass-group.it.

For Gemona le request will be send to the address gemonascuole@dussmann.it.

Also the Serenissima Ristorazione spa has communicated the addresses to which to send the requests for reimbursement:

for incorrect reloads on the canteen of Pordenone: cr.codroipo@grupposerenissima.it;
for incorrect refills on the two canteens of Gorizia:cucinaosp.palmanova@grupposerenissima.it;
for wrong refills on the canteens of Cattinara and Maggiore di Trieste: prenotazioni.cattinara@grupposerenissima.it e debora.rocchetti@grupposerenissima.it.


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